Sunday, January 30, 2011

South America - Week 1 Part 1 - Lima, Peru

Well...I'm already blowing it and not posting at all.  We're two weeks into the trip and it's been absolutely off the charts.  Best trip I've been on in my life for sure.  Lima is an amazing and massive city.  Some parts are beautiful, some are super modern with Starbucks and McDonalds included, and some are just intensely poor.  The ghettos here are the real deal.  Shanty towns as far as the eye can see.  Places the local Police will not dare to go.  We met some locals who took us on a couple crazy bus trips through these parts, telling us "Never ever come here without us."  There was one skate park we went to right in the ghetto.  It was surrounded by a huge fence, and you had to be let in by an armed guard who would lock the gate behind you. 

But the best thing so far about Lima is the people.  They absolutely LOVE skateboarding.  Crowds would actually cheer for us as we just skated by down the street.

Here's the first couple parks we went to.  This one is about about 4 blocks from Starbucks:

And this one is about 2 blocks from the gnarliest shanty town I've ever seen in person.

So definitely some contrast.  I have much much more, but I've been lazy so I will have to put it together.

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